Don has sold a LOT of cartoons in his career. Each numbered cartoon or illustration on the left side of this Blog is from a DIFFERENT magazine, newspaper, etc. Let's see if we can find out the total number of publications (places) where Don's work has appeared . . . . . (An unnumbered posting is a duplicate publication.)

49. Gent, February 1974

Gent magazine was an imprint of Dugent Publishing along with Cavalier magazine. See for further details.

Occasionally Don does personalized cartoons to order putting the client in the gag. A colored and framed drawing based on the cartoon above hangs in the office of Master Builder Steve Kunkel in Bellevue, Washington. His caricature is in place of the cartoon architect shown here. The cartoon with Steve's caricature has been added to the right column. If you'd like to see what he looks like in the flesh visit his website

Don and Suzy's daughter, graphic designer Holly Beale, designed the logo and website for Steve Kunkel Master Builders, Inc.

For links to other design projects Holly has done click here

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