Don has sold a LOT of cartoons in his career. Each numbered cartoon or illustration on the left side of this Blog is from a DIFFERENT magazine, newspaper, etc. Let's see if we can find out the total number of publications (places) where Don's work has appeared . . . . . (An unnumbered posting is a duplicate publication.)

National Enquirer: 6 Panel

This six-panel cartoon was inspired by a TV ad for the Dodge Ram. "Ram tough" was the tagline. Of course there was more to it than that. Cartoonists frequently made fun of the wife with a headache, so that thought went into the mix for a switch with the guy having the headache. We have no doubt that he does, too!
National Enquirer probably bought more mulit-panel gag cartoons than any other publication Don sold. This one was a sale sometime in the 1960s we think.

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