Don has sold a LOT of cartoons in his career. Each numbered cartoon or illustration on the left side of this Blog is from a DIFFERENT magazine, newspaper, etc. Let's see if we can find out the total number of publications (places) where Don's work has appeared . . . . . (An unnumbered posting is a duplicate publication.)

213. 101 School Cafeteria Jokes

101 School Cafeteria Jokes was published by Scholastic, Inc. in August 1990. It is one of the 30+ joke books Don illustrated from 1974-1994. So far 10 others have been shown in this blog.
The food and beverages that are served in school cafeterias have been much in the news lately. The goal of course is to improve the nutrional value of school lunches. However, we suspect that food jokes and food fights are here to stay.

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