More French Cartoons & Cuties -- More Aliases

Don says "all the cartoonists" used to make up aliases for French Cartoons & Cuties. These four cartoons are old-style, so who would guess? We'll have to take his word for it. (No reason to doubt!)

French Cartoons & Cuties was published by Candar Publications, also the publisher of Cracked Mazagine (sic). FC&C was printed in two sizes (i.e., Reader's Digest and People). We mention this because the larger size is represented by cartoon # 87 posted almost a year ago.

Now to comment on these four gags and the changing face of humor. Let us know if you agree.
1) Still makes sense
2) Clever, right?
3) Gotta look carefully, makes a lot of sense
4) Not sure we get this, Don says maybe it's because plumbers make a lot of money. Any ideas?

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