Don has sold a LOT of cartoons in his career. Each numbered cartoon or illustration on the left side of this Blog is from a DIFFERENT magazine, newspaper, etc. Let's see if we can find out the total number of publications (places) where Don's work has appeared . . . . . (An unnumbered posting is a duplicate publication.)

1000 Jokes - Cartoon # 7

This cartoon of Don's was published in November 1968 by Dell in 1000 Jokes. Remember Carte Blanche and Diner's Club? This was before Visa, MasterCard and Discover became so prevalent. We probably used more cash than credit and no one had heard of a debit card. So the idea of a credit card for the offering was pretty unique. Who would give it a second thought today?
Note: No signature on this cartoon. It was rare that Don forgot to sign, so more likely it just got cut off in the printing.

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