198. Mirth

Mirth goes way back when there were dozens of pocket-size joke books on the newsstand, and Don's career was in its infancy. The title on the front cover of this magazine reads Mirth, A Humor Magazine. Do you suppose the editors thought some shoppers wouldn't know the meaning of the word mirth? Inside publishing credits state: "Published 9 times a year (Feb., Mar., Apr., May, July, Aug., Sept., Nov. and Dec.) at 801 9th St. S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn."
Several things are interesting about this: 1) there is no publisher named; 2) January, June and October were off months, but remember magazines are published at least a month ahead, so we speculate that the editor(s) took three months off at Christmas, Memorial Day and Labor Day, or perhaps they were just digging out from under all the cartoon submissions; 3) there's a zone in the address. Remember that predecessor of the zip code?

The issue in which these dogs appeared on two pages was August 1958--No. 59. That accounts for the aged condition of the newsprint, which we have not touched up at all.

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