Don has sold a LOT of cartoons in his career. Each numbered cartoon or illustration on the left side of this Blog is from a DIFFERENT magazine, newspaper, etc. Let's see if we can find out the total number of publications (places) where Don's work has appeared . . . . . (An unnumbered posting is a duplicate publication.)

27. Changing Times

Touching five decades from the 50s to 1991, Kiplinger published a magazine called Changing Times, and for at least some of that time, the editors had the good sense to use cartoons.

As we write, it is neither tax time nor Christmas, but the IRS may be busy right now with audits such as the one being suffered by the poor fella in Don's cartoon.

It was actually published at tax time in April 1968. Let's hope Santa saved all his receipts. Perhaps the elves are busy gathering them up this very moment.

Note: $20,000,000 today is approximately $122,905,747 . . . an inflation rate of 514.5 %. Where does Santa get all that money? Perhaps he knows something about the North Pole that we don't!

1 comment:

Robert Brault said...


Still scanning down your page -- and with great pleasure! It's quite a walk down memory lane for me. I contributed to the Changing Times "Notes" page between '63 and '74. Sold them maybe 50-60 items. You are really making me pine for the joke markets that don't exist any more. These days, I give it away free on my blog.
